Today we are going to talk about how we tell people that we wear hair! The most common things are dating, coworkers and family. So do we tackle them the same, or do we tackle them all a little bit differently? We’re gonna give you our thoughts.

Obviously there’s a thousand different ways that you can tell someone you’re wearing hair, like you can shout it from the rooftops or you can make a radio announcement, but these are what we’ve personally experienced.

And of course everybody’s relationships are different. Maybe you’re really close to her and maybe you don’t know them very well at all. That’s why you are having trouble finding a way to approach it with them. So obviously every situationis different for you. Maybe sharing our experiences might help you a little bit hopefully.

We’ll start with family because that’s usually the first person you told, so normally it’s about explaining to your family that you are here now. Here we are sharing a customer’s Shelly’s story to see how she dealt with this situation.

“For people with genetic problems, it will be easier to understand because we’ve all been through it. Maybe you will never really have to break the news to anyone like the only time was. I was nineteen years old when I first noticed how thin hair I had. I just said: mum oh my god where is my hair? I think it’s falling out. I don’t know where it is. That’s the only time I’ve really had to tell people.

But in terms of extended family, I can’t say like I’ve just told people I wear hair, because no one knew about that and I think I was a bit self-conscious when I was wearing my topper around extended family and friends. Especially when you start wearing hair for the first time, all of a sudden you feel like there’s something that they don’t know and you don’t want it to come up, because you’re not quite sure how to answer the question at anytime a conversation comes up about hair either a family get-together or work whatever you like in the front of your mind, but they’re obviously not thinking about it at all.

The hardest part for me was school. It was actually once everyone in school certainly my class really knew and understood knew what alopecia was and they understood everything.

When I went from primary school where everybody knew me and everybody had seen me without my hair. Everybody knew all about my wigs and how they worked. I went to high school where there were hundreds and hundreds of kids who didn’t know me until what that meant. I’m so blessed and grateful that my entire primary school class comes with me. So it’s just life support and getting people on board and just helping you through it. It’s hard when it’s your own.

Some people might wait until the discussion goes around hair, then say by the way let me just tell you this is what I’ve been doing. I don’t know if anyone’s noticed if it was me now. I probably would like a family dinner cuz I’m a bit dramatic.

So to me I’ve tried all the creams. The first thing that they might say when they find out that you’re losing hair is you should try these vitamins, you should try this cream. Obviously people think like oh I’m justlosing my hair just gonna chuck a week. Some people like started putting a wig on, but most of us are gonna try the shampoo, the vitamins, the creams etc all of those medications you know. You’re gonna try everything and then usually toppers or wigs. After you tried all, you’re gonna wear topper.

You definitely save yourself a lot of time, energy and money if you can have peace of mind obviously right. Get everything checked like get your bloodtest, go to your doctor all of that because there might be some underlying thing but we’re obviously not medical professionals. But usually toppers are the best solution for not everyone but people who end up there.

Here sharing another story concerning dating from Rayanne:

“I remember when my hubby and I first started dating (and before he really knew anything about my hair loss) I was basically living at his house and he would always ask me to shower with him. I would always come up with some excuse not to and he probably thought I never showered, but the reason I didn’t want to is because I look like a drowned rat with wet hair. I couldn’t bare the thought of him seeing my wet hair in all of its thinning glory. I am SURE you ladies can relate!? Obviously now, 10 years later he and I are now married so we’ve definitely showered together, but it still makes me uncomfortable to have my hair wet in front of him. Hair loss really messes with your mind and puts so many negative thoughts into your head. Sometimes I think he will be less attracted to me when he sees me this way. But, that’s just my lack of confidence which stems from 15 years of hair loss. But I’m working on it and every day I feel more confident coming back.

We really want people to share your experience. Comment below on how you would tell someone in this scenario. Hearing other people’s experiences gave me  a way to approach her and it was really helpful.