The advantages of applying hair extensions with cold applications

When you plan to choose the hair extensions, tape hair extensions or clip in hair extensions, you always consult the stylist which kind of application types of hair extensions suit you. And they may choose the application way by the reason why you want to have hair extensions, and even there are suggestions, you need to have the basic knowledge to decide which suits you, and in that way it can get the best results.


The people who want hair extensions, they may face a lot of hair problems. Such as the natural hair just in thin density and hair loss groups undergoing chemotherapy, and people who loss hair for the damage of the scalp. For these groups of people, hot application method would not suitable.


The best way would be cool application methods, and it is good for hair loss groups and also good for fashion groups. For by this way it is no limitation about the point of applying. It could be placed high up on the temples, and low down to the neck, and in these places hot application would not suit.


And it uses double side tape to apply. It is good choice for adding volume as well as adding length. It could protect the hair well from damage.


And for this kind of application, it could save a lot of time for the people who want to use hair extensions. For the full head of hair, it just takes about two hours, while other hair extensions such as hot glue methods it will takes four hours or more.


Cold application method is chemical free without heating, it is perfect for adding length, styling, color and volume, with less cost and less time, and it need to applying strand by strand, since it used, it could so much suitable for the hairline, and which can make the effect of natural looks. It is not only simple to apply but also easy to take off.

Since there are no chemical adhesives dissolving, it is easy to clean when take off, no extra clean hair products required, so it could save time and cost for both the users and the stylists.